5 September 1997
Source: Hardcopy from Peter Junger
Tab D
JUL -3 1997
Bureau of Export Administration
Washington, D.C. 20230
[Seal] D JUL - 4 97
Gino J. Scarselli, Esq.
664 Allison Drive
Richmond Heights, Ohio 44143
Dear Mr. Scarselli:
This is in response to the three commodity classification applications, dated June 12, 1997, that you submitted on behalf of your client, Professor Peter Junger. The classifications of the five items included in Application No. Z082060 are set forth in the attached classification CCATS No. G006704. The classifications of the first two items included in Application No. Z082061 are set forth in the attached classification CCATS No. G006703. The third item in that Application is a request for an advisory opinion, rather than a classification request. The advisory opinion relating to this request is set forth below. Finally, as noted on the attached classification CCATS No. G006702, for reasons stated below, we are unable to provide a classification of the five items that you submitted under Application Z082062.
With respect to item three in Application Z082061, you state that Professor Junger wishes to add an html page that contains hyperlinks to certain encryption programs overseas to other pages that are available on his web server. This request calls for an advisory opinion, rather than a classification. Professor Junger's activity is not an export that is subject to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). See section 734.2(b) of the EAR.
With regard to the items included in Application No. Z082062, none of the requests seek a classification for a specific software item. The requests seek a classification for any program that implements a certain operation or algorithm, as described by examples provided. Merely providing examples does not provide sufficient technical detail of a specific item to enable classification by the Bureau of Export Administration (BXA). (See section 748.3(b) of the EAR.) BXA cannot provide a classification for a category of software based merely on a description of one function or feature; we need a complete technical description of the particular software to be classified.
If you desire to submit requests for a specific program that incorporates specific operations or algorithms, you may file a classification request for each such program together with the
appropriate documentation, including, but not limited to, the name, functional descriptions, and technical specifications for each specific program for which you seek a classification.
James A.Lewis
Office of Strategic Trade
And Foreign Policy Controls
Hard copy of the following CCATS to be attached to letter:
CCATS No. G006702
CCATS No. G006703
CCATS No. G006704
[Note: Three identical copies of the front of this form have been combined into one with entered data provided as a single block. The reverse side of every sheet has the information shown.] UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF EXPORT ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20230 07/04/1997 GINO J SCARSELLI CCATS #: GO06704 ATTN: GINO J SCARSELLI PAGE NO: 1[-3] 664 ALLISON DRIVE RICHMOND HTS, OH 44143 The following information is in response to your inquiry of 06/17/1997 requesting licensing information for: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Export License Country LVS Control Exceptions Chart Dollar Item Classification Available Column Value Number (reason for Limit and Paragraph control) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) PGP (VERSION 2.6.3I AND 2.6.3) 5DO)2 NS1 AT1 (C) 2) FIDDLE IN C 5D002 NS1 AT1 (C) 3) TWIDDLE IN 8086 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE EAR99 4) A VERSION OF THE RSA ALGORITHM IMPLEMENTED IN PERL. 5D002 NS1 AT1 (C) 5) A VERSION OF THE RC4 ALGORITHM IMPLEMENTED IN C. 5D002 NS1 AT1 (C) COMMENTS FROM LICENSING OFFICER: ITEM #1: PRETTY GOOD PRIVACY (PGP) SOURCE CODE (VERSION 2.6.3I) AND A COMPILED VERSION FOR WINDOWS (VERSION 2.6.3) IN ELECTRONIC FORM OR MEDIA AS DESCRIBED IN THE NOTES TO PARAGRAPHS (B)(2) AND (B)(3) FOLLOWING SECTION 734.3 OF THE EAR. ITEM #2: FIDDLE IN C IN ELECTRONIC FORM OR MEDIA AS DESCRIBED IN THE NOTES TO PARAGRAPHS (B) (2) AND (B) (3) FOLLOWING SECTION 734.3 OF THE EAR. ITEM #3: TWIDDLE IN 8086 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE IN ELECTRONIC FORM OR MEDIA AS DESCRIBED IN THE NOTES TO PARAGRAPHS (B)(2) AND (B)(3) FOLLOWING SECTION 734.3 OF THE EAR. CLASSIFIED FOR EXPORT PURPOSES AS EAR99. ITEMS CLASSIFIED AS EAR99 ARE NOT LISTED ON THE COMMERCE CONTROL LIST. SEE EAR SECTION 734.3(C) FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THE TERM "EAR99." GENERALLY, ITEMS CLASSIFIED AS "EAR99" ONLY REQUIRE A LICENSE IF THE EXPORT INVOLVES A PERSON DENIED EXPORT PRIVILEGES, PROHIBITED END-USERS OR END-USES, OR AN EMBARGOED DESTINATION. SEE PROHIBITIONS FOUR, FIVE, AND SIX IN EAR SECTION 736.2(B), RESPECTIVELY. ITEM #4: A VERSION OF THE RSA ALGORITHM IMPLEMENTED IN PERL IN ELECTRONIC FORM OR MEDIA AS DESCRIBED IN THE NOTES TO PARAGRAPHS (B)(2) AND (B)(3) FOLLOWING SECTION 734.3 OF THE EAR. ITEM #5: A VERSION OF THE RC4 ALGORITHM IMPLEMENTED IN C IN ELECTRONIC FORM OR MEDIA AS DESCRIBED IN THE NOTES TO PARAGRAPHS (B)(2) AND (B)(3) FOLLOWING SECTION 734.3 OF THE EAR. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See the other side of this form for information on determining which countries require a license for the above items. For Shipments to these destinations an export license is required from the Bureau of Export Administration. Items otherwise eligible for export or reexport under a License Exception or NLR (no license required) and used in the design, development, production or use of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons or missiles require a license for export or reexport as provided in part 744 of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS CLASSIFICATION CONTACT ANTHONY KOO TANYA MOTTLEY PHONE #: (202) 482-3206 DIVISION DIRECTOR BXA/STC/NS FORM BXA-6002L(REV. 7 96)
[Reverse side] Destinations Requiring a License See the Commerce Country Chart (Supplement No. 1 to part 738 of the EAR) to determine which countries require a license. Use the Country Chart Column information given on the front of this form in conjunction with the Country Chart to determine the licensing requirements for Your Particular items. For items classified EAR99, see part 746 of the EAR to determine the licensing requirements. Applications for export must be submitted on Form BXA-748P Mulitpurpose Application. These forms may be obtained by calling (202) 482-3332. Assist- ance in filling out the forms, or any aspect of exporting, is provided by the Export Counseling Division in Washington, D.C. at (202) 482-4811 or the Western Regional Office in Newport Beach California at (714) 660-0144. License Exceptions Be aware that the licensing requirements for some destinations may be overcome by any License Exception for which your items qualify. See part 740 of EAR for information on License Exceptions. The License Available column on the front of this form lists only those License Exceptions of the set GBS, CIV, CTP, TSR which are applicable to your items. Other License Exceptions may apply depending upon the circumstances of your intended transaction. Export Control Classification Numbering System (ECCN) The ECCN numbering system is found in the Commerce Control List (CCL) part 774 of the EAR. The CCL is a comprehensive list that identifies all items con- trolled and licensed by Commerce. Within the CCL, entries are identified by an ECCN. Each entry specifies the license requirements for the item and the reasons) for control. Please consult part 738 and 774 of the EAR for specific information on ECCNs. Shipper's Export Declaration (SED) When an export is made, it is necessary for the exporter to show on the Shipper's Export Declaration (Form 7525-V) in block 21 either the license number, the applicable License Exception symbol or the symbol NLR. Form 7525-V is available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office of Washington, D.C. 2040 , and from Export Administration District Offices (U.S. Dept. of Commerce).
D JUL -4 97
CCATS No. G006704
Application No. Z082060
1. Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) source code (version 2.6.3i) and a compiled version for Windows (version 2.6.3) in electronic form or media as described in the Notes to paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) following section 734.3 of the EAR--
Export Commodity Classification Number (ECCN) 5D002.
2. Fiddle in C in electronic form or media as described in the Notes to paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) following section 734.3 of the EAR--
Export Commodity Classification Number (ECCN) 5D002.
3. Twiddle in 8086 Assembly Language in electronic form or media as described in the Notes to paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) following section 734.3 of the EAR--
Classified for export purposes as EAR99. Items classified as EAR99 are not listed on the Commerce Control List. See EAR section 734.3(c) for an explanation of the term "EAR99." Generally, items classified as "EAR99" only require a license if the export involves a person denied export privileges, prohibited end-users or end-uses, or an embargoed destination. See Prohibitions Four, Five, and Six in EAR section 736.2(b), respectively.
4. A version of the RSA algorithm implemented in Perl in electronic form or media as described in the Notes to paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) following section 734.3 of the EAR--
Export Commodity Classification Number (ECCN) 5D002.
5. A version of the RC4 algorithm implemented in C in electronic form or media as described in the Notes to paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) following section 734.3 of the EAR--
Export Commodity Classification Number (ECCN) 5D002.
[Note: As above, entered data from three forms is provided as a single block and the reverse sides are same as above.] UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF EXPORT ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20230 07/04/1997 GINO J SCARSELLI CCATS #: GO06703 ATTN: GINO J SCARSELLI PAGE NO: 1[-3] 664 ALLISON DRIVE RICHMOND HTS, OH 44143 The following information is in response to your inquiry of 06/17/1997 requesting licensing information for: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Export License Country LVS Control Exceptions Chart Dollar Item Classification Available Column Value Number (reason for Limit and Paragraph control) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) INSTRUCTIONS FOR CREATING TWI.COM EAR99 2) CHAPTER ONE OF COMPUTERS AND LAW EAR99 3) AN HTML PAGE CONTAINING HYPERLINKS TO ENCRYPTION PROGRAMS OVERSEAS. UNABLE COMMENTS FROM LICENSING OFFICER: ITEM #1: INSTRUCTIONS FOR CREATING TWI.COM IN ELECTRONIC FORM OR MEDIA AS DESCRIBED IN THE NOTES TO PARAGRAPHS(B)(2) &(B)(3) FOLLOWING SECTION 734.3 OF THE EAR. THIS ITEM IS NOT ENCRYPTION SOFTWARE UNDER ECCN 5D002. IT IS CLASSIFIED FOR EXPORT PURPOSES AS EAR99. IF THIS ITEM IS "PUBLICLY AVAILABLE"WITHIN THE MEANING OF SECTION 734.3 OF THE EAR, WHETHER OR NOT IN ELECTRONIC MEDIA DESCRIBED IN THE NOTES IN PARAGRAPHS(B)(2) AND (B)(3) FOLLOWING SECTION 734.3 OF THE EAR, THEN IT IS NOT SUBJECT TO THE EAR. ITEM #2: PORTIONS OF CHAPTER ONE TO COMPUTERS AND THE LAW, WRITTEN BY PROFESSOR PETER JUNGER IN ELECTRONIC FORM OR MEDIA AS DESCRIBED IN THE NOTES TO PARAGRAPHS (B)(2) &(B)(3) FOLLOWING SECTION 734.3 OF THE EAR. AS NOTED WITH RESPECT TO ITEM 3 OF APPLICATION NO. Z082060 (CCATS NO. G006704), TWIDDLE IN 8086 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE IS CLASSIFIED AS EAR99. FOR THE NON-SOFTWARE PART OF THE CHAPTER, IF THIS ITEM DOES NOT MEET THE DEFINITION OF "TECHNOLOGY" UNDER THE EAR (E.G., DISCUSSION OF EXPORT POLICY AND THE JUNGER LAWSUIT), OR IF IT IS "PUBLICLY AVAILABLE" WITHIN THE MEANING OF SECTION 734.3 OF THE EAR WHETHER OR NOT IN ELECTRONIC FORM OR MEDIA AS DESCRIBED IN THE NOTES TO PARAGRAPHS (B)(2) AND (B)(3) FOLLOWING SECTION 734.3 OF THE EAR, THEN IT IS NOT SUBJECT TO THE EAR. ITEM #3: AN HTML PAGE CONTAINING HYPERLINKS TO ENCRYPTION PROGRAMS OVERSEAS IN ELECTRONIC FORM OR MEDIA AS DESCRIBED IN THE NOTES TO PARAGRAPHS(B)(2) AND(B)(3) FOLLOWING SECTION 734.3 OF THE EAR. THIS IS A REQUEST FOR AN ADVISORY OPINION. SEE COVER LETTER FOR RESPONSE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See the other side of this form for information on determining which countries require a license for the above items. For Shipments to these destinations an export license is required from the Bureau of Export Administration. Items otherwise eligible for export or reexport under a License Exception or NLR (no license required) and used in the design, development, production or use of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons or missiles require a license for export or reexport as provided in part 744 of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS CLASSIFICATION CONTACT ANTHONY KOO TANYA MOTTLEY PHONE #: (202) 482-3206 DIVISION DIRECTOR BXA/STC/NS FORM BXA-6002L(REV. 7 96) [Reverse sides omitted]
D JUL -4 97
CCATS No. G006703
Application No. Z082061
1. Instructions for creating TWI.COM in electronic form o'r media as described in the Notes to paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) following section 734.3 of the EAR.
This item is not encryption software under ECCN 5D002. It is classified for export purposes as EAR99. If this item is "publicly available" within the meaning of section 734.3 of the EAR, whether or not in electronic media described in the Notes in paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) following section 734.3 of the EAR, then it is not subject to the EAR.
2. Portions of Chapter One to Computers and the Law, written by Professor Peter Junger in electronic form or media as described in the Notes to paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) following section 734.3 of the EAR.
As noted with respect to item 3 of Application No. Z082060 (CCATS No. G006704), Twiddle in 8086 Assembly Language is classified as EAR99. For the non-software part of the chapter, if this item does not meet the definition of "technology" under the EAR (e.g., discussion of export policy and the Junger lawsuit), or if it is "publicly available" within the meaning of section 734.3 of the EAR, whether or not in electronic form or media as described in the Notes to paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) following section 734.3 of the EAR, then it is not subject to the EAR.
3. An HTML page containing hyperlinks to encryption programs overseas in electronic form or media as described in the Notes to paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) following section 734.3 of the EAR.
This is a request for an advisory opinion. See cover letter for response.
[Note: As above, entered data from two forms is provided as a single block and the reverse sides are same as above.] UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF EXPORT ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20230 07/04/1997 GINO J SCARSELLI CCATS #: GO06702 ATTN: GINO J SCARSELLI PAGE NO: 1[-2] 664 ALLISON DRIVE RICHMOND HTS, OH 44143 The following information is in response to your inquiry of 06/17/1997 requesting licensing information for: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Export License Country LVS Control Exceptions Chart Dollar Item Classification Available Column Value Number (reason for Limit and Paragraph control) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) ENCRYPTION PROGRAMS THAT PERFORM THE XOR OPERATION ON EACH BYTE OF A FILE WITH A KEY CONSISTING OF A SINGLE BYTE UNABLE 2) PROGRAMS THAT XOR THE CONTENTS OF A FILE WITH THE CONTENTS OF A ONE-TIME PAD. UNABLE 3) PROGRAMS THAT IMPLEMENT THE ROT13 ALGORITHM. UNABLE 4) PROGRAMS THAT IMPLEMENT THE RC2 ALGORITHM UNABLE 5) PROGRAMS THAT IMPLEMENT THE RSA ALGORITHM UNABLE COMMENTS FROM LICENSING OFFICER: ITEM #5: SEE COVER LETTER FOR INFORMATION THE BUREAU OF EXPORT ADMINISTRATION NEEDS IN ORDER TO PROVIDE CLASSIFICATIONS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See the other side of this form for information on determining which countries require a license for the above items. For Shipments to these destinations an export license is required from the Bureau of Export Administration. Items otherwise eligible for export or reexport under a License Exception or NLR (no license required) and used in the design, development, production or use of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons or missiles require a license for export or reexport as provided in part 744 of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS CLASSIFICATION CONTACT ANTHONY KOO TANYA MOTTLEY PHONE #: (202) 482-3206 DIVISION DIRECTOR BXA/STC/NS FORM BXA-6002L(REV. 7 96) [Reverse sides omitted]
D JUL -4 97
CCATS No. G006702
Application No. Z082062
1. Encryption programs that perform the XOR operation in each byte of a file with a key consisting of a single byte.
ECCN: Unable to classify.
2. Programs that XOR the contents of a file with the contents of a one-time pad.
ECCN: Unable to classify.
3. Programs that implement the ROT13 algorithm.
ECCN: Unable to classify.
4. Programs that implement the RC2 algorithm.
ECCN: Unable to classify.
5. Programs that implement the RSA algorithm.
ECCN: Unable to classify.
See cover letter for information the Bureau of Export Administration needs in order to provide classifications.
[End BXA July 3 1997 Letter and attachments]